Hi, all! I know, I've been missing since Easter. So sorry. And I'm going to be taking the next month off from designing, too. I'll still be around. You'll see me in the forums and galleries and I'll be making some layouts for Jazzy. I'll be letting you know here on my blog what I've learned and how I'm doing. But I won't be creating any freebies.
I've had some friendly constructive criticism from a few sources and I've decided to stop giving any more freebies until I have a chance to back up and start out again. I have to apologize to you all for the kits I've been giving away. The only good thing I can say is that they were free and you can throw out the bad stuff and keep only what you want and you won't be out any money.
I'll be concentrating on "quality control" as Jazz always says. She tells us her stuff "has gone to quality control and if it's OK will be in the store soon". I don't have a quality control department other than you folks out there. And when I found out that some of my stuff isn't measuring up to the standards, I decided that if I want to do this, I should do it right. So I'm going to stop giving (for a LITTLE while) and do some more practising on my own before I come back and start giving again. I don't want to get a bad name before I ever put my stuff into a store. I have the Heritage Blog Train pulling out on June 1 and I've already committed to that. So, see? I really will be back.
Thank you all for coming back time after time even when there were things that were sub-standard in the kits. You're all a great bunch of friends. Anyone with constructive criticism can let me know here. Without criticism there is no improvement. Just click on the word "comment" below this post. Anyone? Come on. You really will be helping me.
Baking Tags
3 weeks ago
I have used your freebies, and although I don't use all pieces... I don't use all of ANYONES pieces... You are learning... and you are generous, and the rest comes with practice. Gosh, I hope you are not discouraged. As I see it, over the past year, i have seen many designers grow... as does the quality. I also see some of the "rock star" designers who regurgitate the same old thing... so it is all subjective.
Thank you for sharing your hard work, and yourself. I actually visit the blogs I visit because of who the designer is, not what they have to give me.
You are a work in progress - why then, can't your scrapping be the same? That is just my opinion...
Of caorse, I don't create much so who am I to say.
You are soooooo SILLY!!! I LOVE your stuff...but you got to do what you feel is right....and there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself, but do yourself a favor...go back to the first thing you ever made and gave as a freebie...then look at the last thing you gave a away...I can bet my last dollar....you have improved 100%!!! Don't sell yourself short...everyone grows everyday in this field, it's a never ending process...so take your month off and gather your thoughts and I am positive you will be back even more wonderful goodies....
Now come on.....lets go racin'!!! LOL
Sending ya mega hugs gf!!!
Hi Melanie,
Oh GIRL, I HEAR you about taking time off! I recently did this and it was essential to my sanity. I know I have let people down who would have invited me to design, but I had to do some cold, hard thinking and realize I just COULD NOT do it. It became something I dreaded, not something I loved.
You will find your creativeness come back when you are minus the pressures for a while. I'll pray for you that you have a time of refreshing.
Thanks for still stopping in on me, it means a lot.
A gigando gargantuan hug!
~ Barb
Thank you for what you have given to us so far. There is no shame in wanting to improve on your skills. Even the most seasoned designers are always improving on their skills. Designing is a never ending learning process.
Do this do for yourself and not for everybody else. You are the one that counts the most.
I will keep coming back to your blog even if there are no freebie for awhile. I just enjoy reading what you have to say.
Thank you again for all the hard work you have put into what you have offered to us so far.
Sending you a great big cyber hug.
How can you improve yourself when you are perfect.It is the ones who insult you that are not perfect.Do not let a bad apple spread its bruises.I love your stuff so please come back.You are so kind.xo
Hi Melanie :)
Good to "hear" from you!
I totally get what you are saying about quality control. I'm trying to improve on that myself and can't wait to see what you have to share about it ;)
I don't want to sell kits in any store. What I want to do, and have wanted all along, is use this hobby to learn PS and make graphics for the web and scrap along the way... so far: Mission Accomplished!!
BTW... I totally agree with everyone else about being a work in progress and comparing your First stuff to your latest stuff! You've come a long way baby and I think your kits have been GREAT.
{{{Big Hug}}} Cindy
Hey GF!!! I have always loved your stuff! And I really hate commenting on anything with the frame of mind I have been in, and am trying so hard to get out of; but, I had to say something here. I admit that I haven't used much of your stuff YET--but I haven't been creating anything with anyone's stuff and I have safely placed all of your things in it's own special folder to use some time soon I hope!! I know that my Quality Control skills are very limited, but I haven't really seen anything wrong with your stuff--but I haven't examined as close as those that design do---and I know that I have a lot to learn in my designing as well. But I don't ever intend to sell my stuff, I do it because I want to. I know that your goal is to design and sell and I wish you all the luck in the world, and rest assured I will always be one of your best customers because I not only love your creations, but I love you as a person!!!!:)
Your friend
Mel, my sweet. I am proud of you for wanting to make sure that everything you put out there is the very best quality it can be. I wish more people were as conscientious as you. If you ever need anything QC testing, pop me an email hon and I will gladly do it for you.
Just wanted to let you know that I used one of your frames to enhance a quickpage. I posted it on my blog with a link to your blog. You do wonderful designs don't let others get you down. Design what you like and the rest will fall in place. You must remember that you can't please everyone all the time.
sis, i'm not sure what people are saying to you, but every thing i've seen is pretty darn good to me.
your sister, cat
Hi Melanie
Creating is a CONSTANT learning process for everyone and I admire you for wanting to improve yourself and your work, Crops is 100% correct - you grow even without realizing it, you wanting to improve will speed the process up to where you want to be. Im also trying to improve my quality and love learning new things. I for one say give yourself a pat on your back for the awesome work you have already produced.
Dear Mel who said that your stuff is not good? I think what you do is and it's great that you want to improve yourself. But please don't let mean people get to you.I bet they don't even design so who are they to judge? xoxoxo Elle.
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